Trendy VS Timeless
I am asked this one single question ALL the time…”is this Trendy or Timeless?” Now before I dive in and give you “my opinions”, let me be clear. I’m no expert, I am only going to give you ideas and suggestions based on what I’ve seen in my 12+ years in the industry! So, buckle up…cause I have plenty of suggestions (aka: Opinions). :)
Not so long ago, we had a very nice couple reach out to us hoping we would take over their custom build. Let’s just say they were NOT pleased with their current builder (see my previous blog re: choosing the right builder). Annnyyyway…unfortunately, it was in an area we were not interested in building so it was not a good fit, etc, etc. Here is what I learned from this couple. Their main complaint was, “he wouldn’t listen to what WE wanted. I love arches, and he wouldn’t do it because in his opinion they were “out dated”. Hmm…. here’s my opinion, DO WHAT YOU WANT!! Some may say that arches are outdated/trendy, but they’ve sure been around for a long time, and we still do them for our clients (and in some high end homes, I might add). If you tend to lean more towards clean, straight lines, then I would probably guide you in a direction other than arches. But in the end, it’s YOUR home. If your vibe is more French Country, then arch away those openings my friends!
Here’s an example of a home we just completed, the exterior has a beautiful combination of straight lines AND arches!
Additional pictures are on our site @
As we all know, Gray is THE THING right now! Do I think it’s trendy? Nope. Grays are not just for modern theme’d homes. See the pictures above for proof!
One item that I think will ALWAYS be Timeless, BEAMS! These suckers have been around forever and show no signs of being trendy! Below is a little glance back at some beauties we’ve helped create over the past few years
- Living Room installed~
Now, on to the Trendy side of things. Several years ago, the linear fireplaces came on the scene with a BANG…however, they seem to have fizzled out a bit. One reason may be the fact that they are super expensive! If you’re wanting to achieve a certain look, there’s a good chance you can accomplish that and stay in budget! I personally love the look and feel of a more traditional fireplace. AND, who says you can’t give a traditional look a bit of a modern vibe? Below are pictures of very similar/traditional looking fireplace units, but all have a different “flavor”~
(There is 1 linear fireplace in the bunch for comparison, and yes, it’s GORGEOUS too!)
- Formal Living Room
Lastly, hardwood floors. This is a tough one in the “Trendy VS Traditional” scheme of things. For years, we installed Oak floors, then it was on to Rustic Hickory (which is still pretty popular), then back to Oak (white oak to be specific) and now it’s being mixed in with pre-finished coming in 2nd place in popularity. Why you may ask? I blame it on ONE THING…Pinterest!
If you love the random look of a true hardwood, then that’s they way to proceed. However, if you’ve fallen in love with a very specific look that you’ve found on Pinterest…I’m going to tell you to go towards a Pre-Finished product. As much as I LOVE the look of true hardwood, you can never truly achieve a certain look OR color combination. Below is a look at Pre-Finished, Red Oak, White Oak and Rustic Hickory~
- Formal Dining Room
Thank you so much for taking the time to go down the “Trendy VS Traditional” road with me! We didn’t cover Ship Lap, but I think we need a little more time to see how this one holds up! :) Ask me my opinion now…I’m IN LOVE with Ship Lap!
Contact us today and let’s get started on YOUR Dream Home! CHEERS!